Think Creative - Issue 2

Program in focus A closer look at Creative’s work in action

On Election Day in Hargeisa, voters lined up to cast their ballots for president of Somaliland using new voter registration cards. It was an inspiring scene and a credit to the people and leadership of Somaliland. In partnership with the Somaliland National Election Commission, Creative’s USAID-funded Bringing Unity, Integrity, and Legitimacy to Democracy project supported efforts to produce and distribute more than 700,000 voter identification cards ahead of the November election. While claims of illegiti- mate voters can undermine elections in emerging democracies, these secure cards helped support technical legitimacy and public credibility. Working with civil society organizations, the project also supported efforts to educate voters about their rights in the election, as well as how and where to vote. To ensure that all voices were heard, the project engaged marginalized groups, including nomadic herders, youth and women. Women played critical roles in the electoral process—as civil society leaders, poll workers, political party agents and, of course, voters. Despite a traditional culture and gender barriers that have largely kept women out of leadership and elected offices, women who were actively engaged with the project now say they are ready to move from casting ballots to appearing on them in elections to come. n “It was the first time I could vote, and I voted. My father, mother, brothers and sisters all came to vote to elect the party we support. It makes me really happy.” - Ferdous Issa, voter Somaliland Bringing Unity, Integrity, and Legitimacy to Democracy

Photo by JimHuylebroek | 13

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