Think Creative Fall 2024


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Sembrando Esperanza ’s analysis identified five composite intersectionality profiles with a high risk of social marginalization.

New intersectional analysis provides insights into identities and behaviors among at-risk Hondurans

Honduras // Sembrando Esperanza Intersectional Insights on Irregular Migration

A new intersectional analysis of at-risk Hon durans offers significant insights into factors influencing irregular migration, crime and violence. The study reveals that a person’s identity is closely tied to their neighborhood. “In present-day Honduras, cultural, ethnic and historical backgrounds are less related to com munity cohesion than by territorial factors, in cluding where individuals live, work and where their children play after school,” according to a comprehensive study for USAID’s Sembrando Esperanza (Planting Hope). “This finding em phasizes the importance of the neighborhood (colonias) … [with] increased feelings of safety and a sense of belonging.”

Robyn Braverman, the activity’s Chief of Party in Honduras, says this was a surprising result from the intersectionality analysis, a tool used to understand how various social identities interact to create unique experiences of dis crimination and privilege. “The fact that they have this very deep identity in their neighborhood shocked us all because my perception was they have this national sense of identity and pride,” she says. Sembrando Esperanza is a seven-year program using a human security approach to address threats, risks and vulnerabilities within individuals and communities that fuel crime

and irregular migration. The program cat egorizes at-risk populations and co-creates in terventions to reduce these factors, including family counseling, youth-led initiatives and private sector collaboration. Braverman says that the neighborhood connection has led them to rethink their local approach. “It made us focus more on neighborhood activities rather than bigger community-driven activities,” she says. Invisible gang boundaries and lack of trans portation and services make it challenging for youth to seek opportunities beyond their neighborhood. Data-driven programming in Honduras The intersectional analysis, conducted by Bixal for Sembrando Esperanza , supports their efforts in Honduras. “An intersectional analysis allows for a nuanced understanding of the complex factors that give rise to irregular migration, violence and crime among youth and families,” Braverman explains. The analysis explored how these identities in tersect and highlight the heightened margin

An intersectional analysis allows for a nuanced understanding of the complex factors that give rise to irregular migration, violence and crime among youth and families.” - Robin Braverman, Sembrando Esperanza Chief of Party “

Photo by Jim Huylebroek

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