Think Creative Fall 2024

Creative Life

a mission-driven community

Students in Puerto Cortés, Honduras participate in team-building exercises organized by USAID’s Sembrando Esperanza, boosting their leadership skills and social cohesion.

Youth Leading the Way and Transforming Tomorrow

Youth around the world are breaking barriers, inspiring

“ Creative has included many empowered young men and women to be part of citizenship formation. They have been trained on how to be a role model and participate in the development of their communities.”

How does Creative include youth in our programs? “ Young people can participate in programs through collective activities for specific problems in the locality where they live. For example, finding solutions for education problems in remote areas or volunteer programs to clean up the environment. But if considered as a main target of the program, there should be more creative methods: competitions to find ideas to solve specific problems, start-up programs, digital challenges...”

progress and driving significant change in their communities and beyond. Our programs don’t only benefit young people—they involve young people throughout the process. We asked youth around Creative to tell us more about the role they see their generation playing in global development. Their insights and experiences offer a compelling look at the invaluable role of youth in shaping a brighter, more sustainable future.

- Jose Klee Aguilar, Procurement Officer, Guatemala Proyecto Tejiendo Paz

What role can youth play in shaping their communities? “ The role of youth in communities is crucial, they are the future of any community. They have the ability to think outside the

- Dinh Thu Hang, Service Improvement Lead, Vietnam Local Capacity Development

Photo by Jim Huylebroek

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