Think Creative Fall 2024

Left: A crew from the Deir Ezzor Civil Council's Al Furat Water Unit conducts repairs at a water station in the town of Kishkia in March 2024.

Finally turning on the tap and feeling that rush of water after days of waiting is like a breath of fresh air. It’s amazing how something so simple can bring such relief and gratitude.” - Khaled, Civil Engineer

By investing in water infrastructure main tenance, communities can mitigate internal displacement risks and bolster reintegration ef forts, fostering overall stability and well-being. Citizens mobilize to improve sewage management An improvement in wastewater service in the city of Qamishli in Al-Hasakah Governorate provides a striking example of citizen engage ment, as residents collaborated with the local municipality and FURAT III to co-fund a sewer improvement benefiting 300 residents. Residents of Jamaya neighborhood in Qamishli were dealing with significant problems related to the substandard sewage system, consisting of rudimentary makeshift sewers and open sewers. In October 2023, residents proposed a joint project between the community and the Qamishli municipality to extend a sewage pipeline. The municipality responded promptly. FURAT

III worked with the Municipal Council to re pair an excavator for the proposed work. Meanwhile, residents combined their funds to cover the costs of purchasing the pipes and the installation. This successful collaboration resulted in the creation of a 600-meter sewage line (almost 2,000 feet) benefiting around 60 households in Jamaya, almost 300 people, and greatly improving quality of life. “We faced issues like livestock deaths, odors and diseases due to the lack of a sewage sys tem,” says Ibrahim, a 49-year-old shepherd who lives in Jamaya. “Thanks to the support from the FURAT III program and the swift response from the Qamishli municipality, we now have a working sewage system in place be fore the winter, which enables us to tackle the sewage crisis and avoid further complications.” FURAT III is designed to support local gov ernance actors and citizens living outside the regime’s control in the northeastern region of Syria with an emphasis on women, youth and religious and ethnic minorities. Support from FURAT III supports local governance partners to better deliver essential services, improve responsiveness to community needs, address barriers to displaced persons’ reintegration and enhance stakeholder coordination. n

cials’ repairs represented significant progress, adding that efforts continue to reinstate more stations for stable and sustainable water supply in northeast Syria. U.S. officials noted that FURAT III is providing an opportunity for local authorities and tribal leaders to work together to meet the needs of Deir Ezzor residents. In addition to improving water service to residents in the short term, FURAT III also helps local governments manage continuous maintenance and water testing, thus ensur ing the reliability, efficiency and safety of the water supply over the long term. Facilitating consistent access to safe and clean water for communities safeguards public health, supports economic development and enhances community resilience.

Left: A resident of Jamaya neighborhood in Qamishli city watches as a sanitation crew of Al Jazeera Council extends the local sewer network in January 2024. Residents volunteered to share the cost of the project, which improved public health.

Photo submitted by FURAT III | 21

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